Monday, January 19, 2009

Leora's 10 months old!!!

Leora is 10 months old tomorrow!

March 20th is Leora's 1st birthday!!!

Her 1st Birthday party is going to be
Saturday, March 21st (time not determined yet)!
At our house.
Just let us know if you can come!
My email is

I will be sending out invitations close to the day.

She weighed 18lb 10.4 oz 2 weeks ago! She is soo funny, I had to post some more pictures of our silly girl.

Leora eating a teething biscuit (or just sticking the whole thing in her mouth)

Leora playing

Coming to get me!
Leora 10months with her dolly.

Leora 10 months

Leora sledding with daddy at Great Aunt Sylvia's

Leora taking allll of her toys out of the toy box.

Leora playing with her new toys after christmas (9months)

(Christmas Eve- 9months)

Leora (on Christmas Eve in mommy's dusty old rocking chair) 9 months
She was rocking away!

A video of Leora from this morning- 10 months
(Dont mind my super squeaky voice. We just woke up and notice she already has all of her toys out. She can walk better, but her jammies are getting too small)

While Leora and I were watching the video after I uploaded it she said "dog" when I said 'Say dog' in the video and 'baa-baa' when I said it. Silly girl!