Leora May is 1 month old today!!! She is getting so big now! At her three week dr appointment she was measuring: 6lb 15oz, and 19 1/2. We love our little princess so much!! Pico and Mila are getting used to their baby now.

We are going to take pictures of Leora with this doll every month until she is a year old, then probably every year after (haha, my mom said that every month would get pretty tedious when she starts highschool!!).

Yesterday we took pictures of Bob-o's family and the TWO new babies! Her cousin (Bob-o's brother's daughter), Jaycee, was born on 4/4/08, so they are two weeks apart. They were due two days apart and were both born early, so they are about the same size.

Jerry, Jaycee, Bob-o, and Leora

Jerry, Jaycee, Koby (Jaycee's older brother), Karen, and Leora

Leora and Jaycee

Jaycee and Leora
Here are a few of Leora taken when she was 5 days old: