Friday, March 21, 2008
Leora May is here!!!
Leora May is here!!! She decided not to wait until my scheduled c-section friday. At 37 weeks gestation (first day she was considered full term), my water broke at 3:16 yesterday (Thursday, 3/20) morning, we came to the hospital and they checked to make sure it was my water. I was having contractions about 2 minutes apart. They were awful (I thought that I was going to get to skip that). Oh well she was worth it. The oncall dr had me prepped for my c-section at 6 am and she was born at 6:36 am.5lbs 8oz, 19 1/2 inches long, blonde hair!!! She is soo perfect and we love her soo much!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008
36weeks 6days!!!
We are going to have a baby SOON!!! I'll update everyone after my dr appointment tomorrow, for now here's some new pictures!! Thank you, Gretchen (the photographer)!! I am still on bedrest right now (I got off the couch to take pictures though), but my blood pressure is doing much better and the non stress tests have been good! The dr. will let us know his plans tomorrow.

Friday, March 14, 2008
Baby Update!!
Today we had another u/s and the baby is still measuring small (about 5lbs 10oz). I have been having non stress tests twice a week (which check the baby's heartrate when I have a contraction) and they have been fine. My blood pressure has been up so I am on bedrest now until she arrives, which is really boring. But we want our baby to be healthy, so I am following the drs orders.
Today the dr told us that he is going to deliver her next week (I will be 37 weeks then, which is considered full term). He has been talking with drs at another hospital that handles higher risk patients and this is what they feel is best for her.
Since she is still breech, I have a c-section scheduled for FRIDAY at 1pm!!! We are going to have a baby!
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